Saturday, October 30, 2010

haopuy halloeeen

akig me not sleep for so log.
tio is like 6 in the morning. i \can hear the birds and i feel terrors
I t leffel terrors.
'I'mm sorry

hannah is

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

It's hard.

Posting comics again because I finished painting!
Don't know what relax is any more...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

i just ate like 4 apples.

CHECK OUT HANDS MAKE!!! I got my rings back from the casting place. Yet to polish all of them and sand off all of the stems, but you get the idea.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I told you!

Steven and his siren song.

BY THE WAY, I entered this red bull doodling competition just for a free over-dose of sugar/caffeine, and LO! I GOT IN! TO THE THING! THE SPECIAL THING!
There's a picture of my highly recommended doodle on Hands Make
Floyd got in too, so now we have to go to this crazy red bull party thing held at the red bull headquarters! How ridiculous is that! I don't even like red bull that much, BUT there will be free drink =).
It's "invite a guest" so we are dragging Gabrielle and Ellen along, so they to may suffer the red-bull skanks and their bullshit (heh, wordplay). They were pretty keen to get off their tits though: it's a well deserved booze-binge-break from painting.

ALSO! check out my brother's post about my birthday present to him!

Sorry Earnest

I have a lot of stuff on my blog: "Hands Make", but I'm sorry to say that the Elam first year exhibition is over. I will however be selling some jewellery and a couple of knitted cherseys at the meow meow markets this Saturday, so come along and bring some friends with some ring and chersey lust!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

I don't have that much time to post cartoons these days. Painting from 9am-11pm really takes the humour out of you. Making the unhappy face.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010


YOU know.

Dress Code.

Click to zoom and take heed.

Blue Monday

Note to self:
  • Don't drink on Sundays.
  • Don't Stay over.
  • Cut down on the fags: it shouldn't hurt to breathe.
  • Drinking three times a week IS excessive.
  • Being in a constant state of the vomit-fears is no way to spend a day.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Sorry I don't post enough comics.
I've been more faithful to Hands Make, but that's understandable: the new arrival gets the most attention until everyone realises how retarded it is. Attention is divided evenly in the end.
